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Good morning! We're live!!


Welcome! Or as my much-loved dad used to say, "Pull up a bollard and sit down!" After a great deal of blood, sweat and tears - although, contrary to the rantings of the Daily Mail, I have to say that HMRC were lovely to deal with and didn't keep me on hold for that long! - the shop is now live.

What will you find here? Due to a combination of friends clearing out attics and a wonderful local auction house, you'll see many things that will take you back to your childhood. Teddy bears and dolls of a "certain age", a toy slide projector still in its original box, doll's house furniture, turn-of-the-1900s children's books and much more besides. Are you looking for a special gift for a collector? Please contact me and I'll do my best to help. You'll also find a warm welcome; I sell items I love to talk about and have a real passion for.

Browse the collections, and do drop by frequently - you never know what you'll find! New items will be added daily, so don't miss out!

With my very best wishes


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